Orders In Council - Search

The Orders in Council online database makes it easy for you to search for Orders in Council (OICs) made from 1990 to the present. The Orders in Council Division provides certified to be true copies of Orders in Councils (OICs) to the responsible Minister and Deputy Minister or agency head as soon as possible following their approval. For transparency, OICs are publicly available on the third working day after approval by the Governor General, but in exceptional circumstances, OICs may be posted on the web prior to the third working day if requested by the responsible Minister. Of note, certain Acts (namely the Statutory Instruments Act, the Access to Information Act, the Privacy Act and the Investment Canada Act) contain provisions which prohibit the release of OICs pertaining to national security or military operations or those containing personal or commercially-sensitive information.

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Coming into Force of Acts Since 2002:


The Orders in Council available through this website are not to be considered to be official versions, and are provided only for information purposes. If you wish to obtain an official version, please contact the Orders in Council Division.

How to Obtain Certified Copies

Historical Orders in Council made between 1867 and 1924 can be found on the Orders in Council Research Tool (Library and Archives Canada).

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